Measles Information

Physicians discussing treatment with image of a brain in the background


A meningioma is a type of tumor that grows in the meninges. These are the layers of tissue that cover the brain and spinal cord. Meningiomas are the most common tumor to arise within the nervous system. Many meningiomas do not require treatment but should be followed clinically and radiographically with MRIs. When they do require treatment, most can be removed with surgery or treated with a single dose of radiation.

Typically, meningiomas are not cancerous. Most of the time, they do not invade the brain and do not spread throughout the body. However, they can cause neurological problems. They can do this by pressing on the brain and spinal cord, which can lead to other symptoms. Treating the meningioma can often lead to an improvement of symptoms.

Northwestern Memorial Hospital serves patients from across the country and around the world who have meningiomas. Through the Lou and Jean Malnati Brain Tumor Institute of Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center at Northwestern University, we offer a wide range of services. They reflect our commitment to caring for each patient from diagnosis through treatment, and on to rehabilitation. Our team is often able to offer new treatments that are not yet widely available, through clinical trials.

We are proud to be part of the Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center of Northwestern University, home to one of just six Specialized Program of Research Excellence (SPORE) grants for brain cancer funded by the National Cancer Institute.